The California Voluntary Carbon Market Disclosures Act (AB-1305)

In October, 2023, the Voluntary Carbon Market Disclosures Act, Assembly Bill No. 1305 (“AB-1305”) was signed into law by California.  This state law requires covered business entities to disclose specified information regarding the sale and use of certain voluntary carbon offsets (“VCOs”), as well as claims of net zero, carbon neutrality, or significant greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions reductions.  Caliber provides this disclosure in accordance with the requirements of AB-1305.

In June, 2024, Caliber published its inaugural Sustainability Report, which can be found on its website here.  Caliber’s GHG emissions information for Scope 1, 2 and 3 can be found in that report, together with information about our environmental practices.  We calculate our GHG emissions using a third-party technology platform, in accordance with the GHG Protocol.  Although we make all reasonable efforts to ensure our disclosures are accurate, we recognize that there may be some variability in reporting, due to items such as data availability. We do not currently obtain independent third-party assurance of our carbon emissions data or claims.  While Caliber is committed to improving its environmental footprint, as described in its Sustainability Report, we do not make any claims related to “net zero” or “carbon neutrality.”  Caliber does not purchase, use, market or sell carbon offsets.

This information is provided as of January 1, 2024, and we undertake no obligation to update this information other than required by law.

Questions about this disclosure can be sent via email to